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British & Irish Lions News

Explore all of the latest British and Irish Lions news right here at RugbyPass. Whether you want to scroll through the latest headlines or read in-depth coverage, our rugby gurus will keep you up to date with the latest British and Irish Lions news. Browse below for match reports, player updates and more.

Do you want to relive highlights and gripping moments from the last Lions tour? Trying to stay informed about the squad’s greatest players? Or want to be the first to learn about the new line-up? From celebrated players to the current squad, enjoy features that travel back through the team’s history or get ready for the next tour with the latest British and Irish Lions news.

Whether you’re looking for analysis and reports or interviews and opinion pieces, you’ll find all of the latest headlines, announcements and updates on this page. Bookmark the RugbyPass British and Irish Lions news hub to stay informed.