Fans up in arms after UK sports minister suggests grassroots scrums could be banned
A government suggestion to remove scrums from non-elite levels of rugby has not yet won over supporters across the United Kingdom. Sports minister Nigel Huddleston revealed on Wednesday that scrums could “potentially” be banned in the short-term across grassroots rugby when the season starts. This is in an attempt to limit the spread of Covid-19.
Being such an iconic facet of rugby union, there are those that oppose such an idea regarding the scrum at grassroots level, purely as it is a dilution of the game. Any change of this nature, particularly regarding the scrum, typically raises comparisons with rugby league, albeit scrums still exist in the 13-man code.
Additionally, some have mentioned on social media that the sport could move towards having a team of backs, as props may be rendered almost obsolete.
There are also those that have an issue with these government plans, largely because there are still many other aspects of the game that will see players come into close contact with each other.
World Rugby have already made suggestions to lower the tackle height in another attempt to reduce the transmission risk of the virus. But in a sport with so much contact, it is understandable that some struggle to see how some parts of the game can be removed while others remain.
In unprecedented times, however, many will be aware that these possible measures by the UK government are a safe way to ensure non-elite rugby returns.
Huddleston emphasised that such a plan still needs to receive the backing of the Rugby Football Union. He said: “We will have to see what they [the RFU] come back with. I won’t personally be making those decisions – it will be based on medical and other advice.
"I have to say I have been really impressed by the level of responsibility and awareness of all sports. They are all coming up with proposals.”
Without scrums it’s not really rugby.
— Cameron Birt ??????? (@CBirt02) July 29, 2020
Basically we would end up with teams of 13 backs and two half backs wouldn't we?
— Owen Kyffin (@OwenKyffin) July 29, 2020
Hey 15 man rugby league!
— Mike Wood (@ThePrizeForce) July 29, 2020
Pure stupidity.
The risk of disease transmission is practically the same with or without scrums.
Let's talk about strengthening our immune system for a change and carry on living, aware of the risks of viruses, but not driven to make thoughtless decisions like these.
— Frederic Kirchhoff (@fkirchho) July 29, 2020
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He's a Kiwi, so it's obvious that he'll play for Scotland.
Townsend has sold Scotland's credibility for a handful more wins.
Go to commentsHe is contracted to the end of 2025. When he took the job he said he probably wouldn't go onto the RWC. If that pans out how does that equate with walking out and undermining us.
And you confidently stated that due to your influence he would be gone by the end of 2024.
That didn't happen and he definitely will be coaching the Wallabies until the end of this year and if he leaves then it will be as per his contract.
Your Walter Mitty fantasising continues.
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