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Melvyn Jaminet suspended by France after video clip circulated

By Willy Billiard
Capture d’écran de la vidéo de Melvyn Jaminet

On Sunday evening, the French Rugby Federation decided to suspend Melvyn Jaminet from the France squad for alleged racist comments.

The issue came to light in the early evening of 7 July when a video of the international full-back making racist comments was posted on the player's official Instagram account. The video has since been deleted, but continues to circulate widely on social media.

It shows the RC Toulon full-back filming himself on a street at night, speaking to the camera in an unstructured manner, as if under the influence of alcohol: "My Daronne (my mother, editor's note) asks me if I've been partying... (he breathes out) I swear, the first Arab I see on the street... I will headbutt him... I will headbutt him... I say: I will headbutt him... Headbutt, I will..."

No information has been released as to when or where the video was posted. However, it appears that the video was posted in reels when the player was cold. In the following excerpt, he says: "Oulala, I'm freezing... I'm freezing...".

But the French team are on tour in Argentina, where it's winter. At the end of the video, he pretends to vomit.

Complaints from FFR and RCT

However, the French Rugby Federation (FFR) said it would "check the facts before making an official statement".

That statement was not long in coming, with a press release issued at 9.35pm on Sunday night condemning the comments.

"The French Rugby Federation (FFR) strongly condemns the comments made by Melvyn Jaminet in a recent video posted on social media. Such comments are totally unacceptable and contrary to the fundamental values of our sport," it said.

"As a result, Melvyn Jaminet has been suspended with immediate effect and is leaving the French squad currently in Argentina.

"An internal investigation is underway to shed full light on these extremely serious comments and to take the appropriate action.

"The FFR reaffirms its unwavering commitment to diversity, inclusion and laïcité. Rugby is a sport that brings people together and unites them, and we have a duty to promote these core values. Discriminatory behaviour of any kind has no place in French rugby".

At the same time, RC Toulon, the club where Jaminet had signed in 2023, also condemned the comments on X: "Following the video posted on social media involving Melvyn Jaminet, RCT condemns and distances itself from the comments made. An internal investigation has been launched and the club will communicate more widely once this is complete".

Later that evening, the player apologised in a story posted on his Instagram account: "I am deeply ashamed of my words," he wrote. "I would like to apologise to everyone. I understand that this may have hurt and offended many people and I want to make it clear that these comments in no way reflect my values or those of the French rugby team.

"Racism, in all its forms, is unacceptable and goes against everything I believe in.

"I understand the FFR's sanction and I am at their disposal to shed light on this matter. Melvyn."