Scottish based NZ rugby player banned after buying substance online to help 'asthma'
Jed-Forest player Blake Roff has been banned for two years after being found guilty of possession of Clenbuterol.
Clenbuterol is a steroid-like chemical that was initially developed to treat asthma in horses which works by relaxing the airways. It is used by both bodybuilders and those wanting to enhance their athletic ability.
Roff bought Clenbuterol online, which is a banned substance under World Anti-Doping Regulations except with a valid therapeutic use exemption, in December 2014 while still living and playing rugby in his native New Zealand.
He was identified after Drug Free Sport New Zealand investigated an online supplier trading under ‘Clenbuterol NZ’ in 2017 and accessed its customer database, resulting in proceedings being brought against several athletes and subsequent bans enforced.
Drug Free Sport New Zealand issued the two-year sanction, which is effective worldwide and across all sports. As a registered player in Scotland Roff will be unavailable to Jed-Forest until May 2020.
Roff admitted possession and use of the agent and claimed that he purchased it in the hope it would assist with his asthma condition.
He registered to play in Scotland in August 2016.
A Scottish Rugby spokesperson said: “Scottish Rugby continues to operate a zero-tolerance approach to all use of prohibited substances. We are proactively using intelligence led testing and working with other international agencies to find those taking banned substances and remove them from the game.
“There is a comprehensive education programme in place and it is the player’s own responsibility to be aware of which substances are prohibited and ensure they compete clean.”
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Here we go, we got a one-time All Black @Spew_81
Go to commentsThey have picked a relatively big tight head prop off the bench and I hope Blake Schoup kicks on as a decent scrummager. Am a little concerned about Slips but let’s hope he proves me wrong tonight
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