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Top 14 title winner accused of racism named as he issues apology

By Liam Heagney
Top 14 title winner accused of racism named as he issues apology
(Photo by AFP/GettyImages)

Provence half-back Ludovic Radosavljevic has taken to Instagram to apologise for his alleged racist abuse towards Christian Ambadiang during last Friday night's Pro D2 match versus Nevers. The ex-Castres and Clermont player hadn't been identified as the culprit until he posted a message on social media owning up to his bad behaviour.

"Following recent events, and after an apology already formulated immediately in the locker room, today I would like to publicly and officially present my apologies to Christian Ambadiang, for my remarks which are unacceptable," wrote the 32-year-old Top 14 title-winning scrum-half who spent nine seasons at Clermont, winning the league in 2010, and another three seasons at Castres, where he helped win the 2018 final, before rejoining Provence, the club where he started his professional career.

"Following a chain of events in a tense match, my words went beyond my thought. I measure the gravity of my actions and take full responsibility for it, also apologising to all the people who were shocked by this.

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"It is not part of my values nor of those that I pass on to my children. I remain a human who makes mistakes and learns from them."

Until the message, Radosavljevic had not been publicly named as the culprit who had caused the astonishing French tier two controversy with his alleged "I'm going to burn you, banana eater" remark to Ambadiang.

Nevers winger Ambadiang had initially expressed on social media his indignation after hearing these words against him during the match and in a follow-up media interview he insisted "such words from the mouth of a player, it is unacceptable". The incident is now subject to a joint French Rugby Federation and Ligue Nationale de Rugby investigation, a statement explaining: "The FFR and the LNR have seized the disciplinary commission of the LNR via their respective presidents, Bernard Laporte and Rene Bouscatel.

"This exceptional joint referral from two bodies committed to the promotion of diversity concerns the unacceptable comments made by Provence player Ludovic Radosavljevic against Nevers player Christian Ambadiang. The FFR and the LNR also wish to underline the exemplary attitude of the two clubs, which have engaged in a rapid and responsible dialogue with the various stakeholders."